Pace Pallet Services

Pace Pallet Management or PPM is exclusive to Pace Pallet Services. Pace Pallet Management (PPM) features inter-connected “Make Manage Recover Repair” services (M2R2): Pace Pallet Products (PPP), Pace Pallet Collection (PPC), Pace Pallet Repair (PPR) and Pace Pallet Waste (PPW). “Not all companies know how many pallets or crates they have in stock – especially when they have more than one site – and can be caught-out when a large customer order arrives. Pace Pallet Services conducts regular audits of pallet stocks – as often as every week – and we provide weekly reports. This is what we call a ‘lean yard stock’ procedure”, says founder Michael Mourad. Customers request extra pallets and crates using a software package developed by Pace Pallet Services. The dashboard shows stock levels and locations of stock and each type of pallet and crate is coded.

– Pace Pallet Products (PPP) is manufacturing of softwood and hardwood pallets, skids and crates to order.

– Pace Pallet Collection (PPC) is all about “reverse distribution” with a fleet of trucks recovering discarded and damaged stocks from all over Sydney.

– Pace Pallet Repair (PPR) is the re-birthing of damaged or discarded pallets or crates.

– Pace Pallet Waste (PPW) means that even unusable pallets have a useful purpose. The timber is pulped and used as animal bedding or mulch. This reduces the amount of timber being sent to landfill and reduces carbon emissions.

Pace Pallet Management (PPM) Download PDF
Pace Pallet Management (PPM) Download PDF