Pace Pallet Services

Wooden Pallets Australia

Custom Pallet Supplier - Sydney

What pallets and skids used for?

Supporting goods in a stable fashion. Pallets and skids are primarily used for transporting products and for warehouse inventory management. Both pallets and skids are used to keep products off of the floor for efficient and safe movement of goods.

image of a skid

What are pallets?

Pallets are the most common flat top lifting method for product transportation. A pallet consists of three key components – Top boards and/or runners, bearers and bottom boards. That’s it! Pretty simple.

Although they come in many different forms, there is one key feature that differentiates pallets from skids. They have bottom boards that provide extra rigidity to the structure.

What are skids?

Skids are a slightly cheaper option for product transportation. A skid consists of two main components – Top boards and bearers. The bearers carry the load of the product and the top boards support the face/legs of your product. 

A skid is a simple yet effective way to keep goods off the ground, whilst providing easy forklift and pallet jack access. They can be made in many different ways, however remembering the key components will help you determine what your company needs.

Diagram of a Skid