Pace Pallet Services

Pallet Management Our Pace Pallet Management (PPM) customers are able to order quantities of timber pallets and crates using a software package which we developed. The dashboard shows stock levels and locations of stock. They instantly know if they have enough timber pallets available to cope with fluctuating orders. Each type of pallet and crate is coded and all it takes is a few keyboard clicks and our workshop will immediately schedule new stock to order.

The quantities are updated because Pallet Services conducts regular audits of pallet stocks. Usually these are every week. We provide regular reporting on types, quantities and how many are damaged. We call this the ‘lean yard stock’ procedure. It means companies don’t have to pay to transport pallets in from another location or waste money storing unnecessary volumes “just in case”. When extra pallets or crates are required we can supply them within 24 to 48 hours. That’s our Pace Pallet Products (PPP). The Pace Pallet Services workshop manufactures softwood and hardwood pallets, skids and crates to order. We can make 1 or 100.